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Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Bob's...

OK so any of you who know my children know that they L-O-V-E "The Bob's"... We'll these are the infamous! It all began when Sutton was just about a year old and we were having our driveway plowed after a storm. They were using a "Bobcat" to plow the snow and the best Sutton could say was "Bob" so from then on any one with a plow, lawn mower, blower, trimmer, or Bob Cat is call "Bob". We've made pictures for The Bob's, we stalk The Bob's and now we finally took a picture with The Bob's. As you can see the boys are sporting their very own "Bob Vests" which they wear basically every time we are outside... too funny!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Ha! I just asked the boys about this and they about went nuts! :) Where did you find the 'Bob' vests?